Beta Testers Hub (BTH) is an open platform created with the primary purpose of connecting startups to over 1200 beta testers. It's a completely FREE service that was designed, developed and supported by DevriX as a contribution to the exciting startup community. Selected startup projects, submitted to the BTH platform, are included in the DevriX blog (see previous posts here) as well
as in the newsletter to which beta testers subscribe. * Here's custom t shirts another round of ten startups from the July BTH report. Your time and effort to test, share and give feedback to their creators will be greatly appreciated. This is a good way to influence the future of projects. Utopia Beta Program - a P2P communication and transaction ecosystem Utopia Beta Program - a P2P communication and transaction ecosystem Utopia is a secure and decentralized peer-to-peer
ecosystem that includes: instant messaging and mail, mineable cryptocurrency, and an integrated browser. There is no central server involved, each user participates in the network data transmission but only the recipient can decrypt the data. Advanced encryption guarantees an interception-proof communication channel to all Utopia users.
The millennial generation is now the largest layer of the workforce, respectively, the level of competition is high, if you need help finding a job, then I advise you to pay attention to Paragon Alpha. A qualified specialist will be able to find a decent job.
Money is a medium.
Let’s discuss what that means. I assume you are familiar with the rain cycle. Water evaporates off the ocean. In clouds it travels inland. It falls as rain and snow on the hills and mountains. As streams and rivers it travels back down to the sea where it evaporates to begin the cycle again.
No water is lost in this process. No water is created. It’s the same amount of water which never changes (ok, that’s a lie, but the system is most reliable and healthy when the amount of water is constant - and usually it essentially is constant. The actual change from year to year in promotion jobs is probably barely measureable).
You know, I have been working remotely as a 3d illustrator for almost a year now, and I am completely satisfied with this. This is just my dream job that I was able to find among the options for remote jobs. I advise you to also look for vacancies there, because working from home gave me completely different opportunities. But the main thing is that I have complete control over my work schedule.
Personally, I would like to find a good remote job.
I am now working in this field, but when looking for a job I faced the problem of writing a resume. I wrote it myself but wasn't sure about the quality. That's why I turned to a professional service Specialists edited my resume for a fair price, and my application was really perfect. That's why I have a good job now.