Jehovah's Witness

If you're from a Jehovah's Witness background and you're looking to leave, or you've already left, there are folks who want to help. Whether you need practical support or you just want to take courage from the stories of other ex-JWs, we hope you find comfort here. You can also see our main Resources page for more helpful information relating to mental health, crisis care, and LGBTQ resources.
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Online Resources
JW Support ~ This organization exists to support anyone who has left the Jehovah's Witnesses, is thinking of leaving, or is just questioning the doctrine of Watchtower. From emotional support for your doubts of faith and fears of Armageddon to practical support if you've been kicked out of home, you'll find help and the reassurance that you're not alone. Their Beliefs page will help break down the flaws in JW doctrine and their Art page highlights the creations of other ex-JWs. You'll also find special LGBTQ+ support here.
XJW Friends ~ If you're in the UK, this group hosts meetups where you can connect with other ex-JWs. Not in the UK? They still have loads of helpful information on their blog, as well as their media page, which highlights films and books concerning Jehovah's Witnesses and religion in general to encourage critical thinking. XJW is a faith-neutral safe space where all are welcome.
A Common Bond ~ This worldwide support network is for LGBTQ+ individuals who were, or still are, associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. Find support, join their private Facebook group, or contact them to find other ex-JWs in your area.
Meetup: Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses ~ Find out what's happening in Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses Meetup groups around the world and start meeting up with the ones near you.
Nobody Asked Us To Do This: An Ex-Jehovah's Witness Podcast ~ This podcast aims to let you know you are not alone in your doubts, questions, loneliness, or depression.
Dr. Ryan Lee, PhD ~ Dr. Lee left the Jehovah's Witnesses at eighteen years old. He went on to attain a doctorate in psychology and founded a therapy practice with an emphasis on religious recovery, providing specialized support for ex-members of high control religious groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, among others. He can see patients virtually from anywhere in the world—and your first session is FREE! Contact Dr. Lee here.
Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. ~ Ms. Zieman is a therapist who doesn't hesitate to call the Jehovah's Witnesses a cult. She has authored numerous books on leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses as well as other coersive groups, and though she no longer practices as a licensed psychotherapist anymore, you can still find a wealth of helpful information on her website including free digital downloads and self-care videos to help you heal from indoctrination, PTSD, and anxiety.
Journey Free ~ The term Religious Trauma Syndrome was originated by Dr. Marlene Winell, who maintains a therapeutic practice leading an online support group and weekend retreats for those looking to rebuild their lives after religion. Book a session with her over phone or Skype, or visit her office in Oakland, CA. She works with ex-JWs and other former believers from a variety of religious backgrounds.
Safe Place ~ Are you under 18 and don't know where to turn for help? Start with finding a free place to stay and counseling services. Find a safe place or text "Safe" with your address, city, and state to 44357 (4HELP).
RAINN ~ The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is America's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Many religions blame victims and cover up sexual violence. If you've been assaulted, it is not your fault. If you need help, call their hotline or use their online chat. Find a local support group.
Domestic Shelters ~ Whether you've been shunned by your family or you're experiencing abuse at home, you don't need to submit anymore. Find safety now and locate a shelter near you.
Books, Articles, and Media