Faith-Friendly Resources

If your faith is still important to you, but you're questioning certain aspects of it, we understand. Just because one set of beliefs is no longer serving you doesn't mean you can't express your spirituality in other ways. We advocate for you being true to YOU. And we're happy to say there are plenty of other believers who have left harmful expressions of faith and found healthier ones. No matter what stage of doubt or belief you're at, we hope you find the resources below helpful.
Could you use some help deconstructing unhealthy beliefs? Many of us raised within the confines of a strict religion struggle to find a therapist who understands. If you still find comfort in some parts of faith, it's okay to ask for help as you heal from the parts that may have hurt you. Below are some therapists and coaches who are welcoming of those who still believe but also have doubts. Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community? Check out our LGBTQ+ page!
You can find background-specific recommendations under our Resources by Belief System, and be sure to check out our Mental Health, Cults, and Crisis Care pages.
Journey Free ~ The term Religious Trauma Syndrome was originated by Dr. Marlene Winell, Ph.D., who maintains a therapeutic practice leading an online support group and weekend retreats for those looking to rebuild their lives after harmful religion. Book a session with her over phone or Skype, or visit her office in Oakland, CA. Dr. Winell offers a free 20-minute consultation.
Divorcing Religion ~ Janice Selbie, a former fundamentalist, attained a Diploma of Applied Psychology and Counseling so she could help others cope with the losses and challenges of religious de-conversion. Her online interactive workshops are structured by the stages experienced after divorce, and she welcomes those who still explore spirituality outside of religion as well as those who have left faith altogether. A limited number of scholarships are available.

Recovering from Religion ~ One of the largest resource sites of its kind, it's a must-visit for both the religious who still value their faith and the non-religious seeking secular help. See their vast list of mental health and crisis information, find a local support group, talk to someone for free who gets what you're going through, and check out their podcast.
Spiritual Abuse Resources ~ SAR offers helpful information for individuals recovering from what they call Post-Cult After Effects . They also provide resources for concerned loved ones, as well as guidelines for both religious professionals, whom many ex-cult members turn to for safety, and mental health professionals, who can sometimes be ill-equipped to understand or help those fleeing spiritual abuse.

Sunday Assembly ~ Do you miss the community of church, but not the fire and brimstone? Sunday Assembly hosts fun, non-religious get-togethers for fellowship to just celebrate life, regardless of your beliefs or non-beliefs. Find a gathering near you!
World Union for Progressive Judaism ~ WUPJ is the international umbrella organization of the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements serving over 50 countries. Their mission is to strengthen Jewish life and values by supporting and advancing a progressive approach to Jewish tradition. Find a community near you!
Break Free Together ~ Dinner parties for people healing from sexual shame? We're down. Linda Kay Klein, author of Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement that Shamed a Generation of Women and How I Broke Free, founded this organization bringing together people from various religious backgrounds for story exchange over the dinner table. Break free from shame! Linda also offers coaching and consulting.
GayChurch.org ~ Even if you're not gay, you can bet that the churches listed on this site are more open-minded than the conservative fellowships you may be used to. Find a progressive community of believers in your area!
The Life After ~ Holding space for people leaving Christian Fundamentalism, The Life After offers a secret Facebook group to deconstruct religion among friends as well as a podcast with an emphasis on rebuilding after Religious Trauma Syndrome.
Many of us lose our families and friends when we experience a shift in our faith. Maybe you still consider yourself a Christian, but you're looking for a more liberal church. Maybe your Jewish heritage is still important to you, but you want to connect other Jews who aren't as conservative. If you're feeling isolated or abandoned for your changing beliefs, you're not alone. Below are some places you can connect with others who have also ventured on the the life-changing journey of redefining what faith means to them.
Find more resources specific to your background in our Resources by Belief System!
The Christian Left ~ Feel like you're the only progressive Christian you know? The folks at The Christian Left are here to tell you you're not alone. With blogs on liberal Christianity and resources for finding a church that supports female leadership and affirms LGBTQ+ members, this site may be the one that finally speaks your language. Visit their Facebook page to connect with others!
Muslims for Progressive Values ~ With communities across the globe, MPV believes Islam is inherently progressive, inclusive and egalitarian. Women's rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and economic opportunity for all are just a few of the things they advocate for. Find a local community, listen to their youth podcast, and check out their events!
Footsteps ~ If you're a current or former ultra-Orthodox Jew, NY-based Footsteps offers programs to help you through any stage of leaving your faith and community. Footsteps provides in-person peer support groups as well as referrals to mental health services. They also host special events and parties where you can hang out with others who understand what you're going through.
Human Rights Campaign ~ HRC has a comprehensive list of spiritual and religious resources for those seeking a more liberal, open-minded expression of faith, from Catholic and Christian to Hindu and Mennonite.
Elizabeth Esther ~ After growing up in a Doomsday cult, Elizabeth left fundamentalist Christianity and published two books about it. Girl At The End of the World chronicles her unusual childhood and Spiritual Sobriety follows her healing journey from abusive religion. She blogs frankly about faith, family, and mental health.
#Exvangelical Podcast ~ Podcast host Blake Chastain left evangelical Christianity, but his faith is still important to him. As its name might suggest, this podcast and blog site is like therapy for ex-evangelicals, with interviews from people who still consider themselves Christian and atheists who found that faith was no longer for them.