
There are many different expressions of the Muslim faith. Whether your background is Sunni or Shia, conservative or more liberal, we hope you find support in the following sections.
Did you know?
Islam is the world's second-largest religion.
Because apostasy is considered a crime punishable by death, it is difficult to know the true number of ex-Muslim nonbelievers.
Community Resources
"In my experience," says ex-Muslim Ali A. Rizvi in his book The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason, "the one thing that helps most is knowing you're not alone, that there are others out here just like you." We've compiled the resources below for former and doubting Muslims looking to connect with others in a safe space. Some are online support groups. Others offer in-person meet-ups. All value free thought and believe in your right to question. Want to start your own conversation? Visit our Forum. Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community? See our LGBTQ+ page.

Ex-Muslims of North America ~ Founded by ex-Muslims with affiliate groups worldwide, EXMNA aims to reduce discrimination faced by those who leave Islam. This nonprofit publishes an online magazine for ex-Muslims and their allies, produces the docu-series Life Beyond Faith, and regularly tours the US and Canada bringing together apostate speakers and activists shedding light on the growing number of former Muslims and the needs they face. They also issue emergency grants to those who need shelter and assistance fleeing abuse, forced marriage, and relocation.
Muslimish ~ This group of former and doubting Muslims creates a safe space for those questioning Islam. They encourage free thinking without condemnation and run a podcast with the aim of fostering conversations about faith and disbelief. Visit their YouTube channel or find a local meet-up.
Ex-Muslim Reddit Community ~ With over 41,000 members, this thriving online support group functions as a discussion thread where anyone can anonymously ask a question, post a comment, or request help.
The Clergy Project ~ Are you a former or current imam, mullah, or other Islamic leader who no longer holds supernatural beliefs? If your answer is yes and you could use the compassion and help of other religious leaders leaving both faith and profession, apply to join this online support community.
Atheist Republic ~ Their self-descriptor as "Atheists who give a shit!" embodies this online community of caring non-believers. If you feel demonized by family and friends for leaving your faith, join their support group or leave a voicemail for their atheist podcast. They also offer resources for those seeking asylum in the US, Canada, or the UK.
Faith to Faithless ~ This UK-based nonprofit was founded by ex-Muslims who wish to give a voice to minority-within-minority groups like other ex-Muslims, ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, and ex-Mormons. They offer guidance for those looking to "come out," resources for those escaping honor based violence, and more. Check out their videos.
The Friendly Atheist ~ Here at Dare to Doubt, we're not afraid of the A-word. Though we welcome all in various stage of questioning their beliefs, if you've already decided faith in anything is not for you, the videos, blogs, and podcast of the Friendly Atheist will keep you engaged.

Counseling & Help
Ex-Muslims are especially vulnerable to criticism and violence after leaving their faith. Merely questioning Islam is a criminal offense in some places. The dangers facing apostates are real and know no borders, but there are a growing number of organizations looking to help. In addition to physical risks, many ex-Muslims will relate to the symptoms of Religious Trauma Syndrome. See our Mental Health page for more psychological resources. Our Crisis Care page also has information for those fleeing threats of abuse and violence.
The Halo Project Charity ~ Based in the UK, Halo helps victims of forced marriage and those threatened with honor based violence, FGM, and more find safe housing, legal counsel, court-ordered protection, and welfare benefits. Call their emergency helpline if you're in crisis.
The Atheist Refugee Relief ~ Rana didn't believe in Allah. When she fled to Germany seeking safety from the dangers of apostasy, she realized the danger came with her—in the form of other refugees. If you're also a non-religious asylum-seeker, contact her organization for help with housing, integration, legal aid, and therapy.
Free Hearts, Free Minds ~ Ex-Muslim Jimmy Bangash is the EFT-certified life coach at Free Hearts, Free Minds, founded by activist Yasmine Mohammed to help other apostates transition out of Islam, especially those who are vulnerable in Muslim-majority countries. Get support now.
Movements ~ This human rights organization connects individuals in closed societies who need help with those who can be of assistance. Whether you seek legal counsel, asylum, or a safe place to stay, share your need with this vetted community. Can you help? Join and let others know!
AHA Foundation ~ Are you in danger of honor-based violence (HBV)? Whether your life is threatened for not believing in your family's religion or you're trying to escape a forced marriage, this nonprofit's free textline and resource directory will help you find safety. Know your rights. Text 'FREE' to 741-741. Founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, ex-Muslim, FGM survivor, and activist.
The Secular Therapy Project ~ Transitioning out of faith can bring up complex emotions. Sometimes it helps to talk with a mental health professional. Find a therapist without a spiritual agenda among the growing database of non-religious counselors who use evidence-based approaches.
Journey Free ~ The term Religious Trauma Syndrome was originated by Dr. Marlene Winell, whose aim is to help ex-Muslims and others transitioning out of faith. She maintains a therapeutic practice in Oakland, CA and offers sessions in-office or by Skype. She also leads an online support group and holds weekend retreats for those looking to rebuild their lives after religion.
It can be hard finding other ex-Muslims to talk with, let alone mental health professionals with experience specific to helping those who have left Islam. If you know of any or you'd like to be added to our growing list of help resources, contact us!
Books by Muslims Who Dared to Doubt
We have tried to make finding help simple and straightforward. For this reason, the resources on this page are not an exhaustive list. Many organizations exist to help former and doubting Muslims. If you'd like to be added to our resource network, please contact us!