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Forum Posts

Dave Marshall
Feb 19, 2023
In What's your story?
I write letters using pen and ink. I've recently begun embellishing blank sheets of stationery with small watercolor images in a corner. A recipient made an off-hand remark about framing one of them. That got my old thinker thinking. Letter-writing has an extensive history. That there's long been an interest in the art of writing letters is borne out by none other than Benjamin Franklin, who owned a book titled The Art of Letter-writing. It's available for reading on line. That there is an art to writing a good letter is generally accepted. But that's not what intrigued me. Rather, it was this question: can a letter, in and of itself, be considered as a work of art? Is a puzzlement. Your thoughts?
Dave Marshall
Feb 15, 2023
In What's your story?
Coming together to share and debate ideas with your classmates can only help you be a more rounded person. Any time you get the opportunity to spend time with a diverse group of people, you will come away from the experience much richer for it.
Dave Marshall
Oct 12, 2022
In What's your story?
A few minutes of downtown or of time spent trying to solve a problem related to the office’s technology can lead to enormous business costs. Maximizing time for productivity must be a priority; however, that can be difficult to do with a limited team. That’s where a professional IT service provider comes in. A service provider can focus on system maintenance, security, backup, and disaster recovery. This means your time spent on maintenance will be reduced even while your technology is monitored and managed. Sounds like a win-win

Dave Marshall

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