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Forum Posts

Dec 01, 2022
In What's your story?
I have to move from San Diego to Boston. I have long liked this city and I was planning to buy a new home there. And now my dream is coming true and the apartment will soon be mine. I personally do not plan to move. And for movers from san diego to boston I will order moving services. After all, in Boston there are many companies that do this work with high quality. I even want to order a turnkey move and go away to visit my parents for a while.
Nov 14, 2022
In What's your story?
I lived in New York where I left after graduating from college five years ago. Recently, I managed to find a good job in Washington and rent my own apartment. As for moving to a new home, I had few things. Could fit in two suitcases. But the main voluminous piano instrument required special transportation conditions. I decided to order a moving company in New York Interstate moving for moving, which provides transportation over long distances. And I didn’t lose because I would never have been able to pack an instrument for long-distance travel, and if I had done it myself, my piano would have been damaged for sure. So the best assistant when moving is a moving company!


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